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Dive into our vast collection of resources. Whether you’re a student seeking to expand your knowledge or a researcher exploring new horizons, our extensive library of over 2,500 learning and research materials is at your disposal.

From academic journals to interactive courses, we’ve curated a diverse range of content to support your quest for knowledge. Discover, learn, and excel with our comprehensive collection of resources.

The Ethics of Banking

This book analyzes the systemic and ethical mistakes that have led to the…

Global Business Ethics Survey

Pressure in the Workplace: Possible Risk Factors and Those at Risk Organizations cannot effectively…

Ethical Portrait of the Nigerian Health Sector

Ethical Portrait of the Nigerian Health Sector The problems facing the Nigerian health sector…

Globalance: Ethics handbook

Ethics Handbook for a Balanced World Post-Covid The key questions of this book “Globalance”…

Contributing Factors to Ethical Violations

AbstractProject management practitioners and organizations alike must understand the key drivers that can lead…

Corporate Governance and Business Ethics

This volume explores corporate governance from three perspectives: a traditional economic, a philosophical, and…

Spirituality and Ethics in Management

The book – which was originally published by Kluwer in 2004 – is a…

Leadership, Gender, and Organization

This text provides perspectives on the way in which gender plays a role in…

Empowering Organizations through Corporate Social Responsibility

DescriptionThe impact of businesses on a country’s economy extends beyond just the monetary effects…

Ethics, Culture and Project Management in 21st-Century Organizations

AbstractProject management practitioners and organizations alike must understand the key drivers that can lead…

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